The program offers students the opportunity to hone their critical thinking and writing abilities, integrating these with media-production skills, in preparation for rewarding careers and enriched lives in a rapidly changing world. Because the degree is rooted in the humanities, students explore various areas in literature and theory to develop their metaphorical thinking and creative abilities.

The English-Communication Arts degree examines how the power of language and image is used to promote the common good as students wrestle with how their own communication practices enhance not only their personal and professional pursuits, but also their engagement in the civic realm. Recent research by the National Association of Colleges and Employers and the National Commission on Writing indicates that communication skills, particularly written, are the most valued qualities or skills employers are looking for in college graduates. Aware of this demand, English-Communication Arts majors graduate having trained in several writing styles in areas such as journalism, public relations, technical writing, publication writing and corporate communications. In their junior or senior years, students have the opportunity to apply their growing knowledge base in a professionally based internship.