In the acting program students gain strong training for work in a wide array of venues. Voice, movement and acting training cover many styles including period and contemporary realism, Shakespeare, Restoration and 19th century. Work in classes prepare actors for both stage and film work. Acting students work closely with The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, providing them with a great introduction to American regional theatre.

At the end of their training, students will demonstrate an effective acting process that integrates their abilities to:

  • Respond freely with their vocal and physical instrument.
  • Implement strong research and text analysis skills.
  • Activate their free imagination.
  • Utilize a variety of dialects.
  • Improvise effectively.
  • Work in a variety of styles and mediums.
  • Recognize major trends in theatre history.
  • Recognize cultural and historical forces that form the background for dramatic literature.
  • Use the tools of a director.