There are two tracks in the Liberal Studies Program, the traditional program, and the nontraditional program. The traditional program is a multidisciplinary major designed for students who intend to become K-8 or special education teachers in California, and it has been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Its purpose is to provide beginning teachers with a strong grounding in the wide ranging subject matter that will be needed to be effective teachers. The nontraditional program is designed for students who are interested in a multidisciplinary major, but who do not necessarily plan to become teachers.

The largest portion of the major compromises the core section, with courses in reading, language and literature, mathematics, natural science, history and social sciences, visual and performing arts, physical education, human development, and health. In addition, the traditional program requires a concentration: a 12 unit area of focus in which the student can develop knowledge in a discipline of special interest. The nontraditional program requires a minor.

Advisors meet at least once each semester with students to provide a hands-on approach to learning. The Liberal Studies major is also an excellent preparation for careers in public service, management, counseling, law, librarianship, medicine, and professional or graduate education in business.