The School of Nursing provides excellent and innovative undergraduate and graduate nursing education designed to meet the needs of a diverse community. Students are prepared for roles in nursing as clinicians, advocates, researchers, educators, and leaders in the changing health care system.

The School of Nursing serves its students and the society at large by creating an environment in which the faculty and students pursue the knowledge of nursing practice guided by the following core values:

  • caring;
  • professionalism;
  • integrity;
  • diversity; and
  • innovation.

The faculty believe caring is the core of nursing, and constitutes the essence of nursing regardless of the level at which nursing is practiced or conceptualized. Nursing is a caring discipline with a foundation of nursing science guided by the application of moral and ethical principles of care and responsibility.

The curricula of the School are organized around the concepts of:

  • nursing;
  • health care consumer;
  • health;
  • environment; and
  • learning.