The program consists of sequences of courses that lead to a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Mathematics, with emphasis in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics,?Statistics, or a Teacher Preparation Program. A minor in Mathematics or Statistics and a Master of Arts in Mathematics is also offered.

Special Features

  • The study of mathematics at Sacramento State has several strong advantages. The flexibility of the major gives students enough freedom to mold their degree along their particular interest.
  • An excellent computer facility gives mathematics students easy access to the campus computer resources.
  • Currently there is a demand for majors in mathematics with training in applied mathematics and statistics. Program graduates have had?success in finding employment in public and private sectors.
  • Since there is presently a need for high school mathematics teachers, some majors pursue a secondary teaching career. Graduate students in mathematics are finding opportunities for public and private employment in jobs requiring more advanced training in mathematics and statistics. Sacramento State Master's Degree graduates now teach at community colleges throughout the state. Upper division majors may check with the mathematics administrative support coordinator on the possibility of applying for paid positions as student assistants.