The at Sonoma State University program recognizes a need for a strong combination of theoretical and practical learning. Students choose from two concentrations: 1) Public Management; or 2) Nonprofit Agency Management.

Each student is required to complete a 20-unit analytic core, a 16-unit concentration, 4 units of electives, and a culminating experience of either a comprehensive exam, a capstone project or master's thesis. If students choose the thesis option, they can apply the four units received for a thesis to the elective requirement.?

Core courses include: organizational theory; fiscal and budget administration; research methods; program implementation; planning and evaluation; and nonprofit dynamics. The two concentrations include specialized courses oriented toward the operation and management of public and nonprofit agencies. Concentration courses typically include fiscal management; personnel administration; legal issues; public policy; labor relations; marketing and resource development for nonprofits; and grants and contract management. Electives cover a wide range of important topics, including: ethics; organizational computer usage; and internships. Electives are generally taken from the MPA curriculum.