Chemical engineering students are in high demand in all of these areas and have the highest entry-level salaries of all major disciplines. A 2014 report from the Hamilton Project indicated that students with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering will typically earn slightly over $2 million during their working life, the highest of 80 college majors sampled.

Mission and Objectives

Our educational mission is to provide students with the initial foundation knowledge and skills they will need to become, and remain, leaders in their professional careers. Specific program objectives are:

  • Be able to understand and apply math, science, computational, and engineering concepts that constitute the modern intellectual basis for the chemical engineering profession;
  • Be able to communicate effectively and work in multidisciplinary teams, taking on leadership roles in industry, academia, or government;
  • Be aware of environmental, safety, and societal issues facing science and technology and adhere to high ethical standards;
  • Engage actively in lifelong learning and professional development activities;
  • Achieve one of the following within six years of graduation:
  • Obtain an advanced degree in chemical engineering or in a related field including law, medicine or business
  • Advance professionally to leadership positions of greater technical or ethical responsibility
  • Engage in a problem of societal or global importance