The Law and Society program is offered by Jefferson (Philadelphia University and Thomas Jefferson University). Build critical thinking skills and learn to effectively communicate in any situation while learning about philosophy, ethics, history, politics, economics, culture, science, and religion and how they shape the role of law in society.  You will actively examine legal systems, courts and conceptions of justice and human rights within both the American and international contexts, building your wealth of knowledge in the history of legal systems and social sciences. The Law and Society program is delivered by Philadelphia University.

You will also have the opportunity to:

  • Explore your interests in mock trials
  • Participate in current event discussions at Roxboro Roundtables
  • Continue discussions with classmates and teachers on Facebook
  • Join Phi Alpha Delta, an international law fraternity
  • Experience an internship somewhere like the UN, FBI, the Prosecutor’s Office of Philadelphia or law offices throughout the region. 

Our faculty of political and legal professionals will bring dynamic, real-world situations into the classroom. They will offer their experience to help guide you to your best career path. Combined with an education in liberal arts, social sciences, and effective communication skills, you will have the ability to do anything, from continuing your education in a top-tier law school, to pursuing careers in legal fields, politics, criminal justice, law enforcement, non-profits and government organizations.