Students build problem-solving skills to develop market-driven solutions to become leaders in sustainable design to serve the ?21st century global community.

Our faculty is made of practicing professionals with diverse backgrounds in architecture, engineering, design and construction management. Based on an integrated design education model, the program offers a unique advantage by introducing students early in the design process to experts, design options and real-world constraints. Students must quantify and build their ideas in a collaborative environment; actualization of projects can range from high performing sustainable design projects to sustainable initiatives for non-profits and start-ups. Industry partnerships feature prominently, providing networking opportunities and hands-on practice with real-world challenges. A strong integration with the design and sustainability community in Philadelphia provides students and graduates ample opportunities for internships, volunteer positions, and job placement. With flexible scheduling options, students can earn their M.S. in Sustainable Design at Jefferson (Philadelphia University and Thomas Jefferson University) in as little as 18 months with on-campus and on-line options.