• Biology spans a continuum of the organization from molecules and cells to individuals and ecosystems. The programs are designed to give students a broad base while allowing a measure of sub-field specialization. All Biology majors are required to take a two-semester series of "Introduction to Biology" classes, plus separate courses in Genetics, Cell Biology, and Ecology, followed by three (for the B.A. degree) or six (for the B.S. degree) biology electives.
  • There are special programs in Biochemistry, Biology with Teaching, Biophysics, Environmental Science, Natural Science, and Neuroscience that the Biology department offers in conjunction with others.
  • The Bachelor of Science degree in Biology program provides strong preparation for those wishing to attend professional or graduate school in biology or related disciplines such as cell or molecular biology, ecology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, biophysics, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and allied health fields. It is recommended for those who intend to enter the scientific workforce upon completion of a bachelor's degree.