The degree in Animal and Veterinary Sciences is recommended for students who wish to pursue careers in animal agriculture, including the dairy, livestock, or equine industries or the other aspects of animal related research. This degree includes an undergraduate concentration in Pre-Veterinary Science, which is recommended for superior students who seek admission to veterinary college. The suggested courses beyond the basic degree requirements in Animal and Veterinary Sciences are those that are required or recommended for admission to Colleges of Veterinary Medicine in North America. Animal Science courses also serve as elective opportunities for students in other agricultural and life sciences, and minors are available in Animal and Veterinary Sciences or in Equine Studies.

Students may also consider continuing their studies at the graduate level after the completion of an undergraduate degree. The school offers the Master of Science degree in Animal Science for programs of study in animal nutrition, pathology, and reproductive physiology. The Doctor of Philosophy degree may be earned in Food and Nutritional Sciences, Biological Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, or through the Individualized PhD Program.