Sociology faculty seek in all our classes to encourage students to look at society in new ways. We are deeply committed to high-quality undergraduate teaching. We offer a welcoming, student-centered atmosphere, and our students typically tell us how much they appreciate the attention the Sociology faculty and staff show them inside and outside the classroom.

The Department offers an optional concentration within the major: (1) Crime, Law, and Justice.? We also offer a minor in Sociology.

The Sociology curriculum provides excellent preparation for a variety of careers. Employers are increasingly interested in hiring individuals who know about social interaction and organizational behavior. Sociology provides this knowledge and helps you develop your skills in written and oral communication, critical thinking and problem solving, and research methods and data analysis. Opportunities exist for employment in fields such as: criminal justice, public relations, human resources management, industrial relations, organizational research, marketing, family counseling, community planning, teaching, and health care.