The Biology program, offered by New Jersey Institute of Technology, has five core areas:

  • cell biology/biochemistry,
  • molecular biology,
  • computational biology,
  • ecology/evolution,
  • plant biology.

A partial list of courses offerings in each of these areas is appended. When nearing completion of, the minimum 30 required credits for the MS, Rutgers students must submit and Application for Admission to Candidacy for the Degree of Master of Science to the Graduate Program Director listing courses complete (totaling 30 credits) and offered toward the degree. NJIT students must complete an application for graduation and submit it to the Graduate Program Director for signature.

Students can fulfill the written thesis requirement either by conducting laboratory or library research. Important to successful completion of the thesis requirement is early identification of a thesis advisor such that proper planning is in place to complete research requirements in a timely and effective manner. The basic requirement and process for these two thesis pathways is laboratory or field research thesis option; or bibliographic thesis option.