Students in Pre-Health Sciences: On Double Majoring in Physical Science

Students in pre-health programs must take many diverse sciences including at least 1 year of mathematics, 1 year of biology, 1 year of physics and 2 years of chemistry. These courses alone carry more than sufficient credit for a Physical Science major (although one semester of Modern Physics PHY 1970 must be included.)

The majority of pre-health students choose majors in biology or chemistry. To meet pre-health requirements, biology and chemistry majors respectively must take 36 or 24 science credits beyond their degree requirements. Most of these credits can be accepted toward a physical science major. Uusually, 3 additional one-semester physics courses can complete this second major.

Career Outcomes

St. John?s University is widely known for the success of its alumni. lists the University among its top 15 institutions in terms of graduates? earning power. And a recent survey by The Wall Street Journal ranks St. John?s among 100 Top colleges and universities that are ?most likely to help students land a job in key careers . . . that are growing, pay well and offer high levels of job satisfaction.?