A major in marine sciences provides students with a broad curriculum in the sciences, which demonstrates how the different disciplines can be brought to bear on understanding marine processes and managing ocean resources wisely.

The Major prepares students for graduate work in oceanography or one of the basic disciplines, civil service careers in environmental management, employment in the many applied environmental and marine science fields, or teaching in the secondary schools.

The Marine Science curriculum emphasizes improvement of oral and written communication skills and facility in accessing, reading, and understanding the current primary literature in marine sciences. Several courses include hands-on, experiential learning in the laboratory or in the field. Students also are required to complete an experience-based education requirement.

The Physical Oceanography option prepares students for graduate study in physical oceanography, meteorology, fluid dynamics, or a related field, as well as immediate employment in environmental agencies or consulting firms and technical positions in marine sciences. Students in SAS may also wish to consider the major in physics with the Ocean Physics option.