The four main fields of anthropology approach the study of humanity from four related perspectives. 

  • Cultural Anthropology studies human culture, the beliefs, practices, values, technologies, and economies of people past and present.
  • Physical Anthropology studies human evolution and biology.
  • Linguistic Anthropology studies the nature of  human language, including the historical connections among languages, and the many links between language and culture.
  • Archaeological Anthropology studies the material objects and environments of past and present humans in order to learn about their cultures.
  • Together, these fields make up the holistic study of anthropology.

Anthropology is also an applied science and the anthropologists at Rutgers-Newark have a particular strength in the anthropology of peace and conflict.  Members of the department work closely with the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights and the International Institute for Peace in seeking to understand the causes of violence and conditions for peace worldwide.  Rutger’s relationship with these centers also provides opportunities for students to do research and applied work.