The emphasis is often on constructing a (sometimes nonlinear) model of the real world application, and then applying analytic and numerical/computational solution techniques to the differential, difference or integral equations that result. Job opportunities for applied mathematicians exist in most industries, as well as in the National Laboratories (e.g. Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore). Academic opportunities are also available for applied mathematicians with an advanced degree.

At UM, the applied mathematics group works in the areas of numerical analysis, perturbation methods and dynamical systems, with applications in astronomy, chemistry, biology, forestry, medical imaging, and pharmaceutical science, to name a few. Model development for problems in these studies is central, followed by the analysis of these models using numerical and analytical techniques, with the goal of a better understanding of the mechanisms at work in the phenomena. We offer courses in solution techniques (Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Linear Algebra) and modeling and qualitative analysis (Deterministic Models and Statistical, Dynamical and Computational Modeling).