The courses required for the B.S. degree provide a solid education in chemistry for the professional chemist and in preparation for graduate work in most areas of chemistry.  These requirements meet the latest certification standards of the American Chemical Society. If you choose to pursue a B.S. in chemistry, you may also select specialized options in Environmental Chemistry, Forensic Chemistry, and Pharmacology.

The diverse interests of the faculty allow graduate students to pursue research in any of the following areas: environmental, biochemistry, organic,  organometallic, analytical or physical chemistry in addition to chemical education. Undergraduate students frequently join our research teams as they work toward B.S. degrees in a number of specializations.

Our department emphasizes close interactions with students. Faculty and staff provide a supportive and responsive environment that is not always possible in large departments. Students will also find that the department has a nationally competitive and productive research program. For more information, peruse our website or contact us!