• Everyone know its important to care for our world: air, water and land.
  • Student can make a difference and join the growing field of environmental engineering.
  • As a trained professional, student will ll identify and design solutions for environmental problems.
  • The impact of environmental problems on the quality of life has significantly expanded the job opportunities for environmental engineers, placing it among the fastest-growing professional jobs.
  • Green products and practices are encouraged from elementary school to midlife and beyond.
  • This means more opportunities for environmental engineers in industry, government and private consulting.
  • The Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Environmental Engineering program offered by Florida International University combines sub-disciplines of Civil Engineering with the core subjects of the engineering program.
  • The technical interdisciplinary courses are in the areas of biology, geology, chemistry, ecology, atmospheric sciences, geotechnical engineering, urban planning, water resources engineering, pollution prevention and waste management.