This can include mobile and enterprise systems, wireless and system administration.Graduates with a computer information systems degree develop in-depth technical expertise in areas such as computer programming, database management, system design, implementation and maintenance. The program also prepares students for many other segments of the industry including:

  • Systems administration
  • Network administration
  • Enterprise management and modeling
  • Computer programming
  • Data driven real-time systems
  • Web-based applications
  • Mobile computing applications

This advanced proficiency across multiple disciplines in the field provides employers with a top-level professional trained for analysis, design and implementation of complex technologies in the enterprise. This program also prepares graduates of the master's in computer information systems program to enter a doctoral program.


Information systems careers will continue to grow as companies expand computer technologies, deal with cyber threats, and comply with government or industry guidelines. Careers in computer information systems can be found in any industry and provide a wide range of job options, including many different sub specialties and areas of expertise. Graduates, including former military, find that this program often assists them in advancing their existing career or transitioning toward a new emerging field in computing.