Graduate students seeking a master's in applied mathematics are continual problem solvers who train themselves to continually ask "how?"

  • How can automotive systems become more efficient?
  • How might disease spread in populated areas in the event of bioterrorism?
  • How can we model the spread of fire depending on weather, ground cover and types of trees?

It is this kind of scientific exploration, combined with customized interdisciplinary training that gives students such a variety of career opportunities.

Graduate students work closely with the faculty and undergraduate students to gain experience in research, teaching and undergraduate training. A majority of the faculty has expertise in applied and computational mathematics and statistics. Co-supervisors from related departments such as engineering or science, collaborate with students when completing an interdisciplinary project.

Beyond the necessary core courses required, students seeking a master's in applied mathematics have the flexibility of forming a custom-made curriculum based on their research interests and future career goals. They graduate with the ability to understand and articulate solutions in a variety of fields, giving them an advantage when communicating with research and science funding agencies and employers. After receiving a master's in applied mathematics, many graduates also choose a doctoral program at Florida Tech.


Graduates with a master's in applied mathematics work in a variety of industries including government labs and research agencies, medical device manufacturers, chemical companies, electronics firms, and aerospace companies. Florida Tech's customizable curriculum makes it easy for graduates to become experts in a specialized field, making them even more attractive to employers. Companies that have recruited Florida Tech students include Harris Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, DRS Optronics, Kennedy Space Center, NASA, and the Space Telescopic Science Institute.

Because graduates with a master's in applied mathematics typically are employed in scientific, engineering, business or government environments, hands-on practical experience is an important aspect of the program at Florida Tech. Research projects at Florida Tech vary from real life challenges, which you might find in a job, to theoretical problems that contribute to the field. Students take part in research projects with faculty and fellow graduate students in many different disciplines of mathematics, as well as areas of science, engineering, medicine and business through interdisciplinary teams. Graduate students have an opportunity for internship positions and teaching assistantships.