The steady progress in understanding these laws of nature is one of the great triumphs of the human intellect. We invite you to share that understanding by choosing a physics or astronomy major or minor, or by taking one or more of our courses for non-majors. We offer courses for non-science students; introductory courses for students in the life sciences, physical sciences and engineering; and advanced courses for majors and minors. Classes at all levels are taught by full-time faculty and, beyond the introductory level, class size is very small.

Our faculty offer many opportunities for students to pursue supervised research projects in a wide range of fields (e.g. astronomy, elementary particle physics, condensed matter physics). We strongly encourage our majors and minors to become involved in research in order to develop a close relationship with a professor, contribute to cutting-edge research (in some cases co-authoring articles for publication), and develop skills beyond those that can be learned in a classroom.