Thesis Option

Candidates for the Romance Languages MA in Spanish must complete 36 hours of coursework and are required to take comprehensive exams upon the completion of the required coursework. Students that select the thesis option must complete 30 hours of coursework with 6 hours of thesis credits.

M.A. Exam in Spanish

The Master?s examination is designed to test the students? ability to demonstrate extensive knowledge of the assigned texts, apply critical skills in the analysis of those texts and organize and write coherent, substantial essays in Spanish. The Master?s examinations are written exams from the areas the student has chosen.

Non-Thesis Option

Candidates for the Romance Languages MA in Spanish must complete 36 hours of coursework and are required to take comprehensive exams upon the completion of the required coursework.

The Master?s examination is designed to test the students? ability to demonstrate extensive knowledge of the assigned texts, apply critical skills in the analysis of those texts and organize and write coherent, substantial essays in Spanish. The Master?s examinations are written exams from the areas the student has chosen.