The graduate program of the Department is administered by a Graduate Committee consisting of the Graduate Program Directors, additional faculty members elected by the faculty, and a doctoral candidate selected by the graduate students. This committee is responsible for reviewing the progress of the students and recommending changes in the Masters program for approval by the faculty. In addition, the Department Chairman, the Graduate Committee, and all members of the faculty are available to assist students in their progress towards successful completion of the M.S. degree (see program plan schedule). Additional guidelines from the Graduate School Catalog should also be reviewed.

Each student is expected to read and be familiar with all of the policies and requirements outlined herein. These guidelines are not meant to supersede the academic policies of the University as outlined in the Graduate School Catalog. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the Graduate School Catalog, the policies on academic standing, the statement of student ethics, and the requirements for obtaining graduate degrees at the University of Louisville.