• Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California Los Angeles is a 4-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • This program provides the education and training necessary to design, implement, test, and utilize the hardware and software of digital computers and digital systems.
  • The curriculum has major components from the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments.
  • Within the curriculum, students study all aspects of computer systems from electronic design through logic design, MSI, LSI, and VLSI concepts.
  • In this program, students also learn about:
    • device utilization
    • machine language design
    • implementation and programming
    • operating system concepts
    • system programming
    • networking fundamentals
    • higher-level language skills
    • and application of these to systems
  • Students are prepared for employment in the high-technology industries that employ information and digital systems.
  • UCLA undergraduate students are limited to between 208 and 216 quarter units, depending on the college or school, to complete the academic program and fulfill all degree requirements.
  • Students have to complete a capstone major in the last year.
  • The computer science and engineering program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
  • UCLA offers undergraduate students an extraordinary opportunity to participate in undergraduate research, internships and community service, a variety of undergraduate programs and seminars.