By graduation, a student in this program will have expertise in two of these three tracks. Applied Digital students begin with a foundational year in drawing, design and design history in addition to the general education curriculum. In the sophomore year, the program exposes students to the introductory courses for each of the three tracks. Junior and senior years include internship opportunities, group projects and capstone courses, as well as further work with both theory and software that prepare students for careers in these creative visual professions.
Applied Digital Arts classes are taught in the Sharadin Art building, a hub of visual creative activity. Students working on Studio Art, Art Education, Communication Design, Art History and Crafts programs interact and collaborate in a recently renovated, state of the art facility.

Career Opportunities

Post graduations, Applied Digital Arts majors can pursue employment as working animators, game artists, or work with all forms of digital user experience. Students can work as a member of design teams in existing companies. Students may also opt to pursue more entrepreneurial careers and start their own businesses in digital visual fields.