It is designed to provide educational and training experiences that prepare students for careers in the pharmaceutical, consumer product, and health care industries. Graduates of the B.S.P.S. program will be qualified to seek a diverse range of career options that include: research and development, manufacturing, product marketing, sales, testing, and administrative positions within the pharmaceutical industry; research and regulatory oversight careers within government agencies; and research and teaching positions in academia. As a prelude to many of these career opportunities, the program prepares students for graduate studies in the expanding fields of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences.The first two years of the program include rigorous basic science requirements plus a broad exposure to the humanities, arts, and social sciences. The science component of the curriculum is consistent with the admission requirements of most basic science graduate programs and professional schools. Courses offered in the third and fourth year will be drawn primarily from our existing curriculum, and will be taught by Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS) and Department of Pharmacy Practice (PHP) faculty. They provide solid, fundamental training in the pharmaceutical sciences. The fourth-year curriculum also includes BPS course offerings and selected electives from other departments on campus, such as the basic sciences and business. Students may also elect to obtain course credits for laboratory research performed under the guidance of a faculty mentor. These fourth-year offerings will present students with the opportunity, under the supervision of the B.S.P.S. program advisor, to tailor their academic program to prepare them for the specific career paths that they choose. The 120-credit requirement for graduation provides education and training comparable to that offered by similar B.S.P.S. programs, and conforms to University credit requirements for four-year degree programs.