Students select a specialization in one of the following three areas:Global and Environmental Health.

This specialization prepares students to address health problems and concerns that transcend national boundaries. The goals of the curriculum are to foster critical thinking about world health problems and disparities; examine biological, social, economic, political, and environmental factors that influence global health problems; develop practical strategies and sustainable international partnerships to address major global health and environmental challenges; and inspire a commitment to real world change. Students select six courses from the following list.Health Promotion. This specialization is designed to prepare students for careers in fields whose primary emphasis is on facilitating individual, family, group, worksite, and community behavior change to promote healthy lifestyles and behaviors (e.g., increase exercise, cease smoking, manage stress). It also aims to improve life quality via the prevention and improved management of chronic illness and to help increase the length of life by reducing disease and increasing health-promoting behaviors. Students select six courses from the following list.Health Services.This specialization equips students with a range of skills necessary for careers in the health care industry, with an emphasis on preparing students for roles within the health care workforce of tomorrow that do not involve direct patient care. Graduates will: 1) possess foundational knowledge of human health and disease; 2) gain an awareness of and appreciation for how the current health systems serve those in need; 3) understand economic principles and forces that influence the efficiency of health care service delivery and administration; and 4) be capable of effectively communicating within organizations and with other stakeholders, orally and in written form.