This major is also suitable for students who wish to become certified as teachers of environmental science and natural resources at the secondary level. In addition, the program provides a solid background for graduate study in several more specialized environmental science disciplines. Environmental science majors may meet the educational requirements for state and federal employment as biologists, natural resource specialists, environmental scientists, and other classifications.Environmental Science and Management incorporates course work in water resources, geospatial technologies, wetland ecology, wildlife biology, soil science, forestry, and land use/environmental quality relationships. Coursework emphasizes the field techniques that underpin environmental assessment and restoration. This is a comprehensive major that includes a solid background in the basic sciences and exposure to a broad array of subject matter relating to environmental science and management. This major provides solid preparation for more specialized study at the graduate level and prepares undergraduate students for professional careers in the public and private sectors of natural resources management. Flexible course requirements allow students to develop individual areas of concentration and prepare for a variety of positions in environmental science and management after graduation. This major is also suitable for students who wish to become certified as teachers of environmental science and natural resources at the secondary level. With proper course selection environmental science majors can meet the educational requirements for certifications by professional and governmental agencies as biologists, soil scientists, natural resource specialists, hydrologists, and other classifications.