The Archaeology concentration provides students with in-depth training in analysis and field opportunities, as well as coursework in archeological theory and cultural ecology. The program emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of archaeology. Students take courses in geography (GIS mapping and satellite imagery), geology, mathematics and chemistry. The program features hands-on training using the latest technologies, including digital recording and mapping equipment, remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems. Regional areas of specialization include Mesoamerica and eastern North America.

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  • Learn how anthropologists investigate the past combining the methods of social and natural scientists. Students who earn the BS degree in archaeology will demonstrate comprehension of anthropology’s special role in making archaeology, particularly the study of the ancient Americas, come to life and become relevant for them. In addition, these students will gain a special appreciation of archaeology’s other mandate—the need to conserve the precious heritage of the archaeological record, both in the New World and the Old.  Students will demonstrate thorough knowledge of general chemistry and fundamental mathematics, as well as specific areas of geology and geography.
  • Students of this program will demonstrate broad skills in both social and basic sciences, a unique perspective for a bachelor’s graduate. That is, in addition to a fundamental understanding of how social theorists think and apply their findings, these students will demonstrate how a knowledge base is also derived from induction-based inference.