Through Art History, students learn how to describe and interpret a range of objects including sculpture, painting, photography, architecture, and “new media” such as video and performance art. These skills, along with the program’s intense focus on writing and verbal expression, prepare students to think critically and to express themselves clearly at a time when visual communication is becoming ever more important.

Because works of art are always created within a larger cultural context, Art History courses are a good way to understand what other places or times were like. Students may explore, for example, ancient Greece, 19th century Japan, or even the 21st century United States. Majors in Art History are thus welcome to take related courses in other fields of the humanities. Students are encouraged to pursue the study of language beyond the minimum requirements, and because of its international perspective, Art History is a particularly good major for students interested in studying abroad. There are many study centers throughout the world associated with the University’s Education Abroad Program.

Career Opportunities

Following their graduation, students with a B.A. in Art History have found employment in art galleries, auction houses, and museums, and they have entered graduate programs with a view to careers in university teaching, curatorial work, and art conservation. Moreover, with its strong emphasis on developing critical skills in writing, speaking, and analysis, Art History also provides an excellent preparation for many other careers. UCI graduates have pursued professional paths ranging from medicine and law, to business and education, to information technologies and architecture. As in the case of arts administration or intellectual property law, some of these professional pursuits have depended on and continue to make use of training in the arts.