The Sam Houston State University Department of Theatre and Musical Theatre provides theatre majors with a strong foundation in theatre. You may specialize your degree with an emphasis in acting and directing, design and technology, or theatre education.

The acting emphasis develops your abilities through comprehensive classes across genres and styles in acting, speech, and movement for stage, film, and television. It will prepare you for a career in commercial theatre. The directing emphasis provides a detailed study of the directing process.

The design and technology emphasis concentrates on the concepts and materials of designing scenery, costumes, make up, properties, lighting, and sound for theatre. We stress the importance of how to use modern technology for theatre applications.

If you wish to pursue theatre education through teacher certification for early childhood through 12th grade (EC-12), you will major in theatre and minor in secondary education.


The relationship with many of the Houston area theatres gives our students the opportunity to work in professional performance and arts administration capacities while still in school. Currently, we have internships with Theatre Under the Stars, Stages Repertory Theatre, The Classical Theatre Company, Main Street Theatre, and Texas Repertory Theatre.