Students wishing to pursue either the B.A. in Psychology or an undergraduate minor in Psychology must satisfy the ASSET requirements and remediate identified deficiencies, and must petition the Department for admission by completing the appropriate form available through the Department Office. Students applying to declare either major or minor in Psychology must present evidence of having an overall GPA of 2.25 or better, must submit official copies of their transcripts, must have completed PSY 131 (General Psychology) as a prerequisite to all other Psychology courses with a grade of ?B? or better, and must have their petitions reviewed by the department. Students are notified of the departmental decision within thirty (30) days after submission of their petitions. Upon admission to the Department, students are each assigned an official advisor, and they are expected to keep the Department Office informed of changes in contact information including home and mailing addresses and telephone number up to graduation.

To reiterate, students must gain admission to the University; must satisfy ASSET requirements; and must fulfill prerequisites noted above. Once all University requirements have been fulfilled, students can apply to the Department to declare an undergraduate major (or minor) in Psychology. The admission of eligible students into the Psychology major (or minor) is subject to the approval of departmental and college administration. Once admitted, each student is assigned an official advisor who provides comprehensive advisement that is on-going as he or she progresses toward the successful completion of the degree plan or minor requirements in Psychology.

For the B.A. degree in Psychology, students must declare a minor in another academic discipline (as first-time seekers of an undergraduate degree) at the University and must earn grades of ?C? or better in all Psychology and minor courses undertaken. (Grades of ?C-? are unacceptable in these courses.) In selecting a minor, psychology majors should seek detailed advisement from their designated advisors, because the selection of a minor having representative courses in the core curriculum of study could impact the total number of credits required. In no case will students qualify for graduation at the undergraduate level with fewer than 120 semester credit hours satisfactorily completed. Prior to graduation, candidates for the B.A. degree in Psychology must also complete an exit examination in the Department.