The graduate program in Biology has two degree tracks: the Cell and Molecular Biology degree track, and the Ecology and Evolution degree track. In addition, in collaboration with the Chemistry Department an interdisciplinary program in Chemical Biology is offered. The graduate programs and degree tracks mirror the organization of the department into three divisions: Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Ecology and Evolution. Each division has similar, although not identical, requirements for its MS and PhD degrees. Each division has a Policy Leader, who is a faculty member whose responsibilities include overseeing the progress of students before they have chosen a thesis or dissertation advisor. An overview of the requirements for the MS and PhD degrees in the programs in Biochemistry and in Biology (Cell and Molecular Biology degree track, and Ecology and Evolution degree track) is given below.

Course requirements differ somewhat among the divisions, so that entering students should have chosen a division before arrival. A change in division, if deemed desirable by a student, should be discussed with the appropriate Policy Leader and made during graduate student orientation so that students can be enrolled in the appropriate courses.