We offer courses on every aspect of ancient life and thought, from the Greek and Latin languages to literature, history, philosophy, archaeology and the study of the material cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. 

In keeping with the liberal arts mission of Dartmouth, we offer our students knowledge about the ancient world as well as an education of lasting value to their personal and professional lives. Every course we teach addresses a wider set of critical concerns, such as cultural awareness and literary sensibility, and maintains a steady focus on sharpening our students’ analytical thinking and writing skills. Classical education invites students to share in our appreciation and scrutiny of the legacies of the ancient world.

Many of our students have continued their study of the classical world at the graduate level and successfully pursued academic careers in classics, ancient history, classical archaeology, and related fields. Even more of our majors and minors have gone on directly to law school, medical school, veterinary science, business school, banking and finance, architecture, military service, journalism, politics, psychology, economics, history, religion, the ministry, music, physical therapy, and public service in both the government and non-profit sectors. This range of career opportunities is what distinguishes graduates of the Dartmouth Classics department.