How does the brain give rise to the mind? How and where are memories stored? What is the biological basis of consciousness? What is the neural basis of decision making? How are mental illnesses related to changes in brain function?

These are just a few of the intriguing and unresolved questions in the field of neuroscience. Neuroscience is a broad and interdisciplinary subject, drawing from psychology and biology, as well as computer science, chemistry, engineering, medicine and other fields. Thus, the neuroscience curriculum provides breadth as well as depth in the core areas of neuroscience.

Students who complete a major in neuroscience at Dartmouth College can:

  • Identify and explain core principles of nervous system structure and function
  • Apply neuroscience knowledge and methods to real world problems and understand the impacts of neuroscience on everyday life
  • Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary neuroscience research methods
  • Identify and pose questions that advance the field of neuroscience
  • Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate research findings
  • Present research findings in oral and written formats
  • Synthesize and integrate information across cellular, molecular, and systems-level neuroscience
  • Enter graduate or professional school well prepared for advanced study in neuroscience and/or biomedical-health professions
  • Connect their curricular experience to potential future careers
  • Design experiments and analyze neuroscientific data