Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement and includes such sub-disciplines as biomechanics, physiology of work and exercise, motor control/motor learning, athletic training, sport pedagogy, i.e., teaching and learning of sport skills and strategies, sociology/psychology of sports and exercise, and philosophy of human movement.?
The department's educational goals encompass both the breadth and depth of knowledge of human movement. Courses address such questions as how and why the body moves, how simple and complex motor skills are acquired and developed over a life span, how the effects of physical activity may be immediate and lasting, and how and why injuries occur in the physically active. Students who major in Kinesiology have a variety of career opportunities, including further study in areas of kinesiology, e.g., physiology, biomechanics, psychology of exercise and sport, motor control/motor learning; further study toward a professional degree, e.g., medical school, osteopathic medicine, physical therapy, physician's assistant; athletic training; researcher at a private or public university, government agency or private organization, such as Gatorade Sport Science Institute or Nike; teacher of physical education; coach, including strength coach of a school or university; exercise technologist in a hospital or clinical setting; program director and exercise leader in corporate wellness programs; personal trainer in private business or in association with health and fitness clubs; instructor in health and fitness clubs, including YMCAs, resort centers, etc.; corporate sport leadership; sports marketing/event planner.