Outcomes research generates evidence that informs health care program design in clinical and community settings, the promotion of effective clinical and community interventions, quality of care, cost-effective and clinically appropriate choices for patients in allocation of health care resources (clinical effectiveness), and incorporation of best practice models into health-related programs and policies. Outcomes research also provides mechanisms to understand how to translate research into practice and policy, how to improve the quality and efficiency of health programs, and how to achieve equitable and appropriate delivery of health programs and clinical care, particularly for underserved and vulnerable populations.

Our graduate programs are designed to train professionals in the health care and health research fields about the science that supports the development and evaluation of evidence-based clinical and community-based programs focused on improving health outcomes. Further, our programs emphasize methods for translating research into practice and policy. The unique combination of courses offered through these graduate programs will give trainees the tools needed to examine health outcomes and policies in a variety of settings across different age spans and to examine the individual, social, health system, and health policy factors that influence health outcomes.