Students must earn at least 30 credits as a graduate student at UF. No more than 9 of the 30 credits (earned with a grade of A, B+, or B) may be transferred from institutions approved for this purpose by the Dean of the Graduate School. A minimum of 12 credits is required in the Horticultural Sciences major; additionally, a maximum of 6 credits in HOS 6971- Master’s Research - may be counted toward the total credits.

Master of Science non-thesis option:

This option offers additional training beyond the bachelor’s degree in a horticultural specialization. Essential elements of this program include a program of courses and a comprehensive written and/or final oral qualifying examination. There is no thesis requirement. A minimum of 30 credit hours of course work is required. Courses taken for program credit must be numbered 5000 or higher with at least 15 of these credits in the Horticultural Science major. With supervisory committee and college dean approval, 6 hours of 3000- or 4000-level undergraduate courses, taught outside the major department, may count toward the minimum requirements for the degree.