IDS is a limited-access major in CLAS that requires a minimum 3.0 UF GPA. Students must select two tenured or tenure-accruing faculty members who agree to work with them from the planning stages to completion of the thesis research proposal. At least one faculty advisor must be a member of CLAS; faculty advisors cannot be from the same department.

Students should begin planning early. They should declare a related CLAS major and then apply to IDS as early as semester four or at the latest by semester five. Transfer students must complete their first semester with a UF GPA of 3.0 before they can apply to this program. Late application may result in denial of admission to the program. Students interested in pursuing an interdisciplinary major should contact the director of the particular specialization listed below or view the IDS information on the college's website.

Each applicant and his or her interdisciplinary program must be approved by the inter-college Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies and include at least 20 credits of 3000/4000-level coursework taken in two or more departments. All other CLAS degree requirements (e.g., foreign language, basic distribution, electives, etc.) must be met. The student must also take at least seven credits of IDS 4906 (or equivalent courses) under the direction of one or both of the supervisory faculty members and produce a senior thesis.

Interdisciplinary majors may also graduate with honors recognition. Requirements are the same as for department majors, with the additional provision that magna cum laude or summa cum laude recognition must be recommended by two members of the student’s supervisory committee (including the principal supervisor), who will affirm that the student conducted an individual project in IDS 4906 (or equivalent).