Biological engineers pioneer new designs and techniques in such areas as agricultural robotics, remote sensing, bioprocessing, biofuels, precision agriculture, plant space biology, sustainability of our natural resources, and packaging product design and development.

Graduates are educated in the biological and environmental sciences as well as in engineering. They will address critical problems involving land and water resources, biological systems, production agriculture and innovations in packaging. Students can choose a focus area based on their courses of specialization and individual selection of electives. Areas of specialization are biosystems engineering, land and water resources engineering, packaging engineering, and agricultural production engineering.

In addition to abundant job opportunities in Florida's agricultural industry, graduates have career opportunities in biotechnology and in fields related to Florida's water quality and water resources, including water management districts, environmental companies, consulting firms, equipment manufacturers, bio-energy, food engineering and the packaging industry.

The BE curriculum can also fulfill requirements for admission to professional programs as well as to graduate programs including biomedical engineering, civil engineering and mechanical engineering.