Our $3.3 million Applied Engineering Center?home to state-of-the-art equipment found nowhere else in North America?lets you work with manufacturing technology and processes that aren?t available in any other U.S. manufacturing degree program.

You?ll collaborate with USI's industry partners on real-world manufacturing challenges, gaining experience and professional skills that stand out in the job market. You?ll also benefit from many other strengths of USI?s advanced manufacturing degree:

  • Our advanced manufacturing bachelor?s degree program has an excellent reputation among industrial employers, creating strong job opportunities for USI graduates.
  • Our small class sizes promote dialogue and one-on-one instruction.
  • Every manufacturing course is led by experienced faculty (not grad students) whose first priority is teaching, not research.
  • USI's advanced manufacturing degree builds key workplace skills such as teamwork, writing, oral presentation and critical thinking.
  • You'll have opportunities to work on integrated student teams alongside students from our engineering and business programs.