A degree at Gannon University can prepare one for a vast array of postgraduate options as mathematics and logic provide the framework for mastering many fields.

You Will Experience

Mathematics majors choose between an internship, mentored research, or student teaching. Students electing mentored research either work directly with a Gannon University professor or can apply to spend the summer?

at an external research program. Secondary education students complete a sequence of placements and a semester of student teaching at various public and private schools. Internship and research opportunities include the following:

  • financial planning companies
  • insurance companies
  • mathematics textbook publishers
  • engineering firms

You Will Achieve

Mathematics is a fundamental part of many different disciplines. The flexibility of a mathematics degree allows one to pursue a great range of careers or graduate school paths. Such opportunities include, but are not limited to, the following:? mathematician

  • mathematician
  • statistician
  • actuary
  • data analyst
  • financial analyst
  • teacher
  • technical writer/editor
  • economist
  • engineer/programmer
  • lawyer

You Will Earn

Salaries in the field vary depending on the location and type of organization.

  • Starting salary: $54,200
  • Mid-career salary: $99,000