This multidimensional degree in from Gannon University allows students to blend not only the classics with the sciences but also the world of business with that of the arts, humanities and social sciences.?

You Will Experience

The interdisciplinary studies program contains an experiential learning component. Depending on the student?s career objectives, various co-ops and internships are available with:

  • advertising and marketing agencies??
  • health organizations??
  • insurance companies??
  • law firms??
  • media??
  • nonprofit organizations??

You Will Achieve

Employers are looking for those who communicate effectively, adapt to change and use their critical and analytical abilities to solve complex problems. A degree in interdisciplinary studies offers students the opportunity to cultivate the skills required for the new century.Such opportunities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • business??
  • education??
  • media??
  • military??
  • public service??
  • You Will Earn

Salaries in the field vary depending on the location and type of organization.

  • Starting salary: $37,600
  • Mid-career salary: $53,400