• MS in Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado​ is offered as a 2-years program by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  • This university is ranked #398 worldwide by QS World University Rankings.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis only.
  • Students should gain an operational understanding of Real Analysis at a level commensurate with their progress in the program.
  • Students will be able to orally present their mathematics, or the mathematics of others, with the aid of relevant presentation software (PowerPoint, LaTeX) as appropriate.
  • Students will be able to present mathematics in writing, utilizing the appropriate conventions of the discipline.  This may involve summary and analysis of the mathematics of others, development (including proof) of their own mathematics, or both.
  • MS in Applied Mathematics program offers a general degree in applied mathematics along with specialization opportunities in many areas including:
    • Applied probability
    • Applied statistics
    • Discrete mathematics
    • Mathematics of engineering and science
    • Numerical analysis
    • Operations research
  • Students in all areas are exposed to a variety of coursework and have the opportunity to participate in real-world research and consulting through our innovative Math Clinic and Statistical Consulting.
  • The MSc program consists of 30 credits.