Corporations, institutions and businesses are particularly interested in people who can think, communicate and write effectively. These are the skills you’ll acquire through studying philosophy. You can find a career in:

  • Education
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Public administration
  • Public service

You’ll also be prepared to enroll in any graduate program. Philosophy students consistently outscore other disciplines on LSAT and GRE exams for verbal and analytic reasoning skills.
University have a complete program of study in the history of Western and non-Western philosophy and religion. Our course work won’t just provide you insight into the world’s cultural heritage, but also into every other field of study in the sciences and humanities. Philosophy gets at the root of problems concerning the human condition.
The faculty members are outstanding teachers and scholars, including leading authorities on environmental ethics, philosophy of science and technology, and Continental philosophy. They have written hundreds of books and articles, and many are considered international experts in their areas.