The New Media Art program at the University of North Texas is an interdisciplinary studio arts program in hybrid and experimental art. New media art teaches artists to manipulate technology the same way a sculptor molds clay or a painter transforms a canvas.

The program combines new technology (electronics, the Internet or computer and communications technology) with more traditional art forms (photography, fibers or sculpture). The results are often highly personal and novel works.

Our graduates use their creative, technical and professional skills as practicing artists or in Master of Fine Arts degree programs. New media artists are often self-employed, exhibiting and selling their work in galleries, museums and other exhibition venues.

The B.F.A. degree in New Media Art applies critical thinking and innovative approaches to modern theory and art-making practices. We expose you to a wide range of technology-based practices from production of interactive installations and bio-art to rapid prototyping and Internet art.

Classes are taught in state-of-the-art labs, which are available for use beyond regular class time. We also have an array of audio, visual and other related equipment available for checkout.

Our faculty members are active artists and scholars whose works are displayed in venues such as the MoMA PS1 art center in New York, the Arnolfini in England, the National Museum of China and the Mejan Labs in Sweden.

Works are also featured at different international electronics art festivals such as Transmediale in Germany, the Electronic Language International Festival in Brazil and the Transitio Festival in Mexico.

The program is also involved with UNT's Initiative for Advanced Research in Technology and the Arts. This partnership provides unique opportunities to collaborate with students and faculty members in the College of Engineering, the College of Music, and the Department of Media Arts, among others.

There are possibilities for exhibiting your work on campus and at local galleries. UNT's proximity to Dallas and Fort Worth also offers a wealth of experiences and resources. To provide other insights and knowledge, numerous renowned artists, designers and scholars are brought to campus.