Employment options include:

  • Director of a middle school or high school band, choir or orchestra
  • Elementary school music specialist
  • Private instructor
  • Administrator of church education or early childhood education programs

After obtaining teaching experience, many music educators pursue a master's degree to specialize in an area of interest. Our alumni include more than 1,600 K-12 music teachers.

The Division of Music Education develops professional educators through an innovative and cutting-edge curriculum. You'll be prepared to achieve an all-level music teaching certification and explore a wide array of career options.

In addition to traditional classroom learning, your education is enhanced by observing and working in actual school settings or assisting in one of our outreach programs. Few music education programs offer these unique and varied opportunities for students. The outreach programs include the:

  • Denton New Horizons Senior Band
  • Start Up The Band Program
  • UNT Early Childhood Music Program
  • UNT String Project