Want to be involved with financial reporting, tax planning or auditing? Want to be an important leader in the future of a company? Then you should pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration degree or a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree in Accounting or in Accounting and Taxation at the University of North Texas.
Many of the graduates work as top executives in national public accounting firms, Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Others have started their own businesses. In the accounting profession, you can become a(n):

  • Certified public accountant — conducting audits for local, regional or international firms
  • Corporate accountant — generating information for managerial decision making
  • Forensic accountant — helping the FBI, Department of Homeland Security or IRS conduct criminal investigations
  • Internal auditor — helping an enterprise function more efficiently
  • Tax planner — formulating tax strategies for individuals and businesses

The combined B.S./M.S. programs in Accounting or in Accounting and Taxation allow you to earn two degrees simultaneously and meet the 150-hour requirement for the Certified Public Accountant exam in Texas and many other states. You can also earn academic credit for an internship.