• The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) offers a program of study leading to the Master of Science degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 
  • Biochemists and molecular biologists study life processes ranging from the level of individual molecules to the whole organism.
  • The M.S. program provides the student with a strong foundational background to understand the molecular basis of life. 
  • An important career development aspect of the M.S. program is the availability of two options: a thesis-based or coursework-based program:
  • Thesis-based option: A student will conduct valuable hands-on and cutting-edge laboratory research within a biomedical focus. The typical time to complete this program is two years.
  • Coursework-based option: A student will gain an in-depth understanding of various areas within the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology through a curriculum involving coursework and seminars. This program can be completed within three semesters.